Starting Over Again Tabulatur von Natalie Cole

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Tablature / Chords (Ganzer Song)

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Album:  unbekannt
Key: C, F, Dm, AmAkkorde
And when I Fhold you in Cmy arms I promise you.
You’re gonna Ffeel a love that’s Cbeautiful and new
This time I’ll Flove you even Fmbetter than I Cever did beFfore
And you’ll be Dmin my heart Gforevermore…

CWe, we’re just too Fyoung to know we Dmfell in love and Glet it go.
So Ameasy to say the Fwords goodbye, so Dmhard to let the Gfeelings die.

I Cknow how much I Fneed you now, the Dmtime is turning Gback somehow.
As Amsoon as our hearts and Fsouls unite.
I Dmknow for sure we’ll Gget the feeling Cright D# D#

And D D#now we’re starting G G#over again, A A#it’s not the D D#easiest thing to do.
Cm CmI’m feeling inFside again, ’cause G G#every time I A A#looked at you.
I D D#know we’re starting G G#over again, A A#this time we’ll D D#love all the pain away.
Cm CmWelcome home my Flover and friend, G G#we are starting A A#over, over D D#again.

CIf we never Fleave alone, and Dmthen we might have Gnever known.
AmAll the times we Fspent apart, Dmall we did was Gbreak each other’s Cheart.




And when I G G#hold you in my arms I promise D D#you.
You’re gonna G G#feel the love that’s beautiful and D D#new.
This time I’ll G G#love you even betG G#mter, than I Cmever did beFfore.
And you’ll be G G#in my heart A A#forever D D#more. F# F#

And D D#now we’re starting G G#over again, A A#it’s not the D D#easiest thing to do.
Cm CmI’m feeling inFside again, ’cause G G#every time I A A#looked at you.
I D D#know we’re starting G G#over again, A A#this time we’ll D D#love all the pain away.
Cm CmWelcome home my Flover and friend, G G#we are starting A A#over, over D D#again. G# G#
BWe are starting C C#over, over F F#again

Tabulatur von , 08 Aug 2021

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