Ukulele Tabs ohne Akkorde.

# Tablature Legend
# ----------------
# h - hammer on
# p - pull off
# br - bend-release
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Tab Kommentare (4)
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Written well and very accurate, it will require some practice for me to get it though. thanks.
19 Jul 2010

The plug in baby intro is more accurate than this. Not bad though
08 Jul 2010

Thanks for the praise and the heads up regarding the letters! I use Guitar Pro to cook up these tabs and it spits out the letters by default. After taking a closer look I realized that they aren't necessary since the tab is already pretty explicit with the spacing between the notes. I cleaned up my tabs a bit and I think readability has improved greatly. Thanks again for the tip and happy tabbing!
17 Nov 2009

AWSOME Job !! I give it a ten * :)
(I don't find letters above the tab really useful)
(I don't find letters above the tab really useful)
16 Nov 2009

Top Tabs & Akkorde von Muse, verpassen Sie diese Songs nicht!
Über dieses Lied: Plug In Baby
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