Pretty Wings Tabulatur von Maxwell

4 Im Lied verwendete Ukulelengriffe: Am, Dm, Em, F

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Tablature / Chords (Vereinfachter Song)

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Jahr:  2009
Key: C, AmAkkorde
Am Am                Dm Dm
Time will be the real end of our trials
Em Em F F Am Am
One day there'll be no remnants no trace no residual feelings within ya
Dm Dm Em Em F F
One day you won't remember it

_Pre chorus_

Am Am Dm Dm Em Em
Woah, you played me dirty. The game was so bad. Toyed with my affliction had
F F Am Am
to fill out my prescription for the remedy
Dm Dm Em Em F F
I had to set you free
Am Am
Away from me
Dm Dm
to see clearly
Em Em
the way that love can be
F F Am Am
When you are not with me
Dm Dm
I had to live
Em Em
I had to live
I had to leave
Am Am
I had to live

Am Am Dm Dm
If I can't have you
Em Em F F
Let love set you free to fly your pretty wings around.

Am Am Dm Dm Em Em
Pretty wings, your pretty wings, your
Pretty wings. Pretty wings around.

Tabulatur von , 11 Sep 2011

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