Trying To Recall Tabulatur von Marie Lindberg

4 Im Lied verwendete Ukulelengriffe: G, C, D, Am

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Tablature / Chords (Ganzer Song)

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Album:  unbekannt
Key: G, EmAkkorde
ursprüngliche Tonalität: +1.0 Halbtöne (Originalstimmung)
Tab / Akkord Fortschritt festgelegt für die Ukulele.
[G G]
And you said
[C C] [D D] [Am Am]
I think I know how you feeling and I replied
[D D]
I don't think so at all
[G G] [C C] [D D] [Am Am] [G G]
Then we wouldn't be here a reuniting cup of coffee
[C C] [D D]
Trying to recall

[G G] [C C] [D D] [Am Am]
I know god what have we done to each other and tell me dear
[D D]
Where did we go wrong?
[G G] [C C]
Did we grow apart?
[D D] [Am Am] [G G] [C C] [D D]
or did we just not grow together living our dreams

[C C] [D D] [G G]
When you're sleeping on the couch
[C C] [Am Am] [D D]
When love becomes sacrificed
[Am Am] [D D]
And I'm nor sure it going to
[G G] [C C] [D D]
Be you and me anymore

[G G]
And it's time to
[C C] [D D] [Am Am]
Tell me what you are thinking and guide me
[D D]
Where do we go from here?
[G G] [C C]
Do our ways converge?
[D D] [Am Am] [G G]
Or do they separate to nowhere
[C C] [D D]
Destination unknown?

Tabulatur von , 14 Mai 2009

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