House Of Fun Tabulatur von Madness

17 Im Lied verwendete Ukulelengriffe: D, Am, B, A#, F7, E7, Em, C7, B7, F#m, D7, C#7, A, D#, Bm, G, A7

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Tablature / Chords (Ganzer Song)

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Jahr:  2005
Key: unbekanntAkkorde
D D  Am Am (x3), B B  A# A#

D D Am Am
Good morning Miss, can I help you son?
D D Am Am
Six-teen today, and up for fun.
F7 F7
I'm a big boy now, or so they say,
E7 E7 D D Am Am
So if you'll serve, I'll be on my way.

D D Am Am
Box of balloons, with the feather-light touch,
D D Am Am
Pack of party-poppers, that pop in the night.
F7 F7
A A toothbrush and hairspray, plastic grin,
E7 E7
Miss Clay on all corners, has just walked in.

Em Em C7 C7 Em Em B7 B7
Welcome to the House of Fun, now I've come of age,
Em Em C7 C7 Em Em B7 B7
Welcome to the House of Fun.

F#m F#m D7 D7 F#m F#m C#7 C#7
Welcome to the lion's den; temptation's on his way.

Em Em C7 C7 B7 B7
Welcome to the House of...


D D Am Am (x2)

(Am Am) D D Am Am
N-n-n-n-n-n-no, no miss; you mis-understood,
D D Am Am
Six-teen big boy, full pint, in my manhood.
F7 F7
I'm up to date, and the date's today,
E7 E7
So if you'll serve, I'll be on my way.

F#m F#m D7 D7 F#m F#m C#7 C#7
Welcome to the House of Fun, now I've come of age,
F#m F#m D7 D7 F#m F#m C#7 C#7
Welcome to the House of Fun.

F#m F#m D7 D7 F#m F#m C#7 C#7
Welcome to the lion's den; temptation's on his way.

Em Em C7 C7 B7 B7
Welcome to the House of...

D D Am Am (x2), B B A# A#

A A D# D#
I'm sorry son, but we don't stock,
A A F#m F#m
Party gimmicks, in this shop.
Bm Bm G G
Try the House of Fun; it's quicker if you run;
A A A7 A7
This is a chemist's, not a Joke Shop!

D D Am Am
Party hats, simple enough, clear,
D D Am Am
Compre-hende? Savvy? Understand? Do you hear?
D D Am Am
A A pack of party hats, with the coloured tips,
D D Am Am
Too late; Gorgon's heard gossip.
F7 F7 E7 E7
Well hello Joe, hello Miss Clay; many happy returns from the day.

Em Em C7 C7 Em Em B7 B7
Welcome to the House of Fun, now I've come of age,
Em Em C7 C7 Em Em B7 B7
Welcome to the House of Fun.

F#m F#m D7 D7 F#m F#m C#7 C#7
Welcome to the lion's den; temptation's on his way.

F#m F#m D7 D7 F#m F#m B7 B7
Welcome to the House of Fun.

Em Em C7 C7 Em Em B7 B7
Welcome to the House of Fun, now I've come of age,
Em Em C7 C7 Em Em B7 B7
Welcome to the House of Fun.

F#m F#m D7 D7 F#m F#m C#7 C#7
Welcome to the lion's den; temptation's on his way.

F#m F#m D7 D7 F#m F#m C#7 C#7
Welcome to the House of Fun.

Tabulatur von , 21 Sep 2013

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