Firing Squad Tabulatur von Lifehouse

5 Im Lied verwendete Ukulelengriffe: E, B, F#, Abm, F

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Tablature / Chords (Ganzer Song)

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Album:  unbekannt
Key: unbekanntAkkorde
E E B B F# F#

Abm Abm E E B B
Early morning rain
F# F# Abm Abm B B
Crashing upon my rooftop and my brain
F# F#
Woke up in my clothes
Abm Abm E E B B
Feeling like I'm insane
F# F# Abm Abm E E
The hours pass like days
B B F# F#
Like days

Abm Abm
And now you're on the firing squad
I throw my hands up I surrender
I don't wanna be a fraud
F# F#
I don't wanna be the pretender
Abm Abm
And I was like a lighting rod
I was always your defender
We were both right and wrong
F# F# E E
I throw my hands up I surrender

E E Abm Abm F# F#

Abm Abm E E B B
I see your eyes, hear your voice
F# F#
Outside my window
Abm Abm B B F# F# E E
Calling for me in a time of trouble
E E Abm Abm
And you know I'd be there
F# F#
Yes you know I'd be there

E E Abm Abm F F (2X)

And I stand and I watch
Abm Abm F# F# E E
At the streetcars rolling
Abm Abm F# F#
As the wind is blowing
E E Abm Abm F# F#
And there's no way of knowing now

Abm Abm E E B B F# F#

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