Ukulele Tabs ohne Akkorde.

h = hammer-on
p = pull-off
/ = slide up
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shouldn't it be like this instead of having the c and e string plucks switched?
29 Dec 2012

Best Stairway tab on this site. Almost as good as one in a song book I bought. Wish it could show the chord names just above the tab line.
01 Jan 2012

It might be overrated to do this on guitar but to do it on ukulele? AWESOME
03 Jul 2011

Top Tabs & Akkorde von Led Zeppelin, verpassen Sie diese Songs nicht!
Über dieses Lied: Stairway To Heaven
Stairway to Heaven (Treppe zum Himmel) ist ein Lied der britischen Rockband Led Zeppelin. Bei dem St