While You Were Sleeping Tabulatur von Laufey

17 Im Lied verwendete Ukulelengriffe: G#7+5, E, E6, Emaj7, C#m7, A, Aadd9, Amaj7, F#m7, B7, G#7, C#m, C#7, E7, G#m7, Bm6, Bsus4

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Tablature / Chords (Ganzer Song)

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Jahr:  2023
Key: unbekanntAkkorde
G#7+5 G#7+5 = 1 4 2 3

E E E6 E6 Emaj7 Emaj7 E6 E6
E E E6 E6 Emaj7 Emaj7 E6 E6

E E C#m7 C#m7 Emaj7 Emaj7 C#m7 C#m7
i still can’t believe
A A Aadd9 Aadd9 Amaj7 Amaj7 Aadd9 Aadd9
that you noticed me
F#m7 F#m7 B7 B7
an ocean away, the heavens would say
E E C#m7 C#m7 Emaj7 Emaj7 C#m7 C#m7
it was meant to be

E E C#m7 C#m7 Emaj7 Emaj7 C#m7 C#m7
i’ll never forget
A A Aadd9 Aadd9 Amaj7 Amaj7 Aadd9 Aadd9
the first time i saw you then
F#m7 F#m7 B7 B7
primrose at three, you had all of me
E E C#m7 C#m7 Emaj7 Emaj7 C#m7 C#m7
without saying a word

G#7 G#7 C#m C#m C#7 C#7
i don’t recognize myself
F#m7 F#m7 B7 B7
i’m dancing down streets, smiling to strangers,
Emaj7 Emaj7 E7 E7
idiotic things
F#m7 F#m7 G#7+5 G#7+5
i trace it all back, 3:30 a.m.
G#m7 G#m7 Bm6 Bm6
that night something turned in my heart
F#m7 F#m7 Bsus4 Bsus4 B7 B7 E E C#m7 C#m7 Emaj7 Emaj7 C#m7 C#m7
while you were sleeping i fell in love
E E C#m7 C#m7 Emaj7 Emaj7 C#m7 C#m7

E E C#m7 C#m7 Emaj7 Emaj7 C#m7 C#m7
i can’t quite believe
A A Aadd9 Aadd9 Amaj7 Amaj7 Aadd9 Aadd9
you think i’m beautiful
F#m7 F#m7 B7 B7
must be a trick, a “tag and you’re it”
E E C#m7 C#m7 Emaj7 Emaj7 C#m7 C#m7
kind of foolery

E E C#m7 C#m7 Emaj7 Emaj7 C#m7 C#m7
but then you take my hand
A A Aadd9 Aadd9 Amaj7 Amaj7 Aadd9 Aadd9
kiss me on the cheek
F#m7 F#m7 B7 B7
a light pink bouquet, a promise you’ll stay
E E C#m7 C#m7 Emaj7 Emaj7 C#m7 C#m7
and i start to believe

G#7 G#7 C#m C#m C#7 C#7
i don’t recognize myself
F#m7 F#m7 B7 B7
i’m writing a love song, who’ve i become?
Emaj7 Emaj7 E7 E7
there must be something wrong
F#m7 F#m7 G#7+5 G#7+5
i trace it all back, 3:30 a.m.
G#m7 G#m7 Bm6 Bm6
that night something turned in my heart
F#m7 F#m7 Bsus4 Bsus4 B7 B7 E E C#m7 C#m7 Emaj7 Emaj7 C#m7 C#m7
while you were sleeping i fell in love
E E C#m7 C#m7 Emaj7 Emaj7 C#m7 C#m7

Tabulatur von , 23 Jul 2024

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