I Miss Myself, Sometimes Tabulatur von Kristiane

5 Im Lied verwendete Ukulelengriffe: A, E, F#m, Bm, Am

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Tablature / Chords (Ganzer Song)

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Album:  unbekannt
Key: A, F#mAkkorde
I tried my best to guess the correct lyrics but its like impossible 
to find any official ones LOL I'm sorry I tried !!! love this song <3

A A E E F#m F#m Bm Bm


run out of ways to go

avoiding that street on the way home

i lost that friend a while back

she never knew me

how sad is that?


god I hate this city more and more

i heard it snowed in New York

my sister told me she was happier

I cried through the phone, I did


I miss myself, sometimes

I loved her like a friend of mine

If I still remembered how to find her I would hold her for a while

and hold my breath

oh, hold my breath again


I've run out of lies to tell

In the hours I'm not doing so well

I tried to phone somebody

and I'd be lonely trying to explain myself to you, you


I miss myself, sometimes

I loved her like a friend of mine

If I still remembered how to find her

I would hold her for a while

and hold my breath

oh, hold my breath again


I miss you

and I wish I knew

how to love you then

I'm sorry. I am

I miss you

and I wish I knew

how to love you then

I'm sorry, I am

I am

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