Babooshka Tabulatur von Kate Bush

7 Im Lied verwendete Ukulelengriffe: Dm, G, A, Am, F, Cm7, C

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Tablature / Chords (Ganzer Song)

Font size: A- A A+

Jahr:  1980
Key: unbekanntAkkorde
ursprüngliche Tonalität: +3.0 Halbtöne (Originalstimmung)
Tab / Akkord Fortschritt festgelegt für die Ukulele.

[Dm Dm] [G G] [A A] Babooshka


[Am Am]She wanted to test her husband,
[G G]She new e[F F]xactly what to [A A]do,
[Am Am]A A pseudonym [G G]to fool him,
[Dm Dm]She couldn't [G G]have made a [A A]worse move.

[Am Am]She sent him scented letters,
[G G]And he re[F F]cieved them with a [A A]strange delight,
[A A]Just like [A A]his wife.
[Dm Dm]But how she [G G]was before the [A A]tears,
[Dm Dm]And how she [G G]was before the [Am Am]years flew by,
[Dm Dm]And how she [G G]was when she was [Dm Dm]beauti[Cm7 Cm7]ful.
[F F]She signed the letter:


[Am Am]All [C C]yours,Ba[Dm Dm]booshka,Baboo[Am Am]shka,Baboo[Dm Dm]shka-ya-ya
[Am Am]All [C C]yours,Ba[Dm Dm]booshka,Baboo[Am Am]shka,Baboo[Dm Dm]shka-ya-ya[G G]


Verse (Same chords as Verse 1)

She wanted to take it further,
So she arranged a place to go,
Too see if he,
Would fall for her incognito.
And when he laid eyes on her,
He got the feelings they had met before,
Uncanny how she
Reminds him of his little lady,
Capacity to give him all he needs,
Just like his wife before she freezed on him,
Just like his wife when she was beautiful,
He shouted, I'm...

Tabulatur von , 14 Jul 2009

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