Imagine Tabulatur von John Lennon

6 Im Lied verwendete Ukulelengriffe: C, F, Am, Dm, G, E7

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Tablature / Chords (Ganzer Song)

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Jahr:  1971
Key: AmAkkorde und Tabulaturen


[C C]Imagine there's no hea[F F]ven
[C C]It's easy if you [F F]try
[C C]No hell below [F F]us
[C C]Above us only [F F]sky

[F F]Imagine [Am Am]all the peo[Dm Dm]ple [F F]
[G G]Living for today - ah ha

[Verse 2]

[C C] Imagine there's no coun[F F]tries
[C C]It isn't hard to do [F F]
[C C]Nothing to kill or die [F F]for
[C C]And no religion too[F F]
[F F]Imagine [Am Am]all the peo[Dm Dm]ple [F F]
[G G]Living life in peace - ooh hoo oh


[F F]You may [G G]say I'm a [C C]dreamer [E7 E7]
[F F]But I'm [G G]not the only [C C]one [E7 E7]
[F F]I hope some [G G]day you'll [C C]join us [E7 E7]
[F F]And the [G G]world will [C C]be as one

[Verse 3]

[C C]Imagine no posse[F F]ssions
[C C]I wonder if you [F F]can
[C C]No need for greed or hun[F F]ger
[C C]A A brother hood of man[F F]

[F F]Imagine [Am Am]all the peo[Dm Dm]ple [F F]
[G G]Sharing all the world - ooh hoo oh

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Tabulatur von , 22 Okt 2011

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