All The Right Reasons Tabulatur von Jayhawks

6 Im Lied verwendete Ukulelengriffe: E, C#m, F#m, D, B7, A

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Tablature / Chords (Ganzer Song)

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Jahr:  2003
Key: E, A, F#m, C#mAkkorde
ursprüngliche Tonalität: +1.0 Halbtöne (Originalstimmung)
Tab / Akkord Fortschritt festgelegt für die Ukulele.
F# F# D#m D#m
As I lay up on my bed I began dreaming,
G#m G#m F# F# E E C#7 C#7
How it's gonna be the day that I am free,
F# F# D#m D#m
Once I settled like the dust up on the table,
G#m G#m F# F# E E C#7 C#7
But then you came along, you helped me write this song,

B B F# F#
I don't know what day it is, I can't recall the season,
G#m G#m B B F# F#
I don't remember how we got this far,
B B F# F#
All I know's I'm loving you for all the right reasons,
G#m G#m B B F# F# C#7 C#7
My sky you'll always will be my morning star,

F# F# D#m D#m
Like a tired bird flying high across the ocean,
G#m G#m F# F# E E C#7 C#7
I was outside looking in, you made me live again,
F# F# D#m D#m
From the mountains to the prairies little babies,
G#m G#m F# F# E E C#7 C#7
Figures filled their heads, visions bathed in red,

B B F# F#
I don't know what day it is, I can't recall the season,
G#m G#m B B F# F#
I don't remember how we got this far,
B B F# F#
All I know's I'm loving you for all the right reasons,
G#m G#m B B F# F# C#7 C#7
My sky you'll always will be my morning star,

F# F# D#m D#m
From the train in Manchester, England,
G#m G#m F# F# E E C#7 C#7
Lightening fills the sky as I watched you wave goodbye,
F# F# D#m D#m
From the mountains to the prairies little babies,
G#m G#m F# F# E E C#7 C#7
Figures filled their heads, visions bathed in red,

B B F# F#
I don't know what day it is, I can't recall the season,
G#m G#m B B F# F#
I don't remember how we got this far,
B B F# F#
All I know's I'm loving you for all the right reasons,
G#m G#m B B F# F# C#7 C#7
My sky you'll always will be my morning star,

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