Neverlair Tabulatur von Jain

7 Im Lied verwendete Ukulelengriffe: C, Em, F, G, Dm, B7, C7

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Tablature / Chords (Ganzer Song)

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Album:  unbekannt
Key: unbekanntAkkorde
C C                         Em Em
When you get home, have a cigarette
C C Em Em
Play a chord or two, on your guitar
F F Em Em
Then when the phone rings, pick it up and say
C C Em Em
I'm busy now, with tending my head

G G Dm Dm B7 B7
The music spins around in this head of mine
G G Dm Dm B7 B7
The music spins around in this head of mine
C7 C7
Everything's so mild
B7 B7
C7 C7
Everything's so mild
B7 B7

C C Em Em
Go to the ally way, a hobo sits and grooves
C C Em Em
Give him a sip of booze, he'll show the way for you
F F Em Em
To the NeverLair, where the gigs are sure
C C Em Em
Just you follow him, he'll get you through the door

G G Dm Dm B7 B7
The music spins around in this head of mine
G G Dm Dm B7 B7
The music spins around in this head of mine
C7 C7
Everything's so mild
B7 B7
C7 C7
Everything's so mild
B7 B7

Tabulatur von , 17 Feb 2018

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