Drive Tabulatur von Incubus

5 Im Lied verwendete Ukulelengriffe: Em, D, C, G, A7

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Tablature / Chords (Ganzer Song)

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Jahr:  1999
Key: D, G, Em, BmAkkorde
Intro: [Em Em][D D][C C][G G]x2

1st Verse:
Em Em D D C C G G Em Em D D C C G G
Sometimes, I feel the fear of uncertainty stinging clear
Em Em D D C C G G Em Em D D
And I can't help but ask myself how much I'll let the fear take the wheel
and steer.

C C A7 A7 C C A7 A7
It's driven me before, and it seems to have a vague, haunting mass appeal
C C A7 A7 C C A7 A7>let ring
But lately I'm beginning to find that I should be the one behind the wheel.

2nd verse:
Em Em D D C C G G Em Em D D C C G G
Whatever tomorrow brings, I'll be there with open arms and open eyes, Yeah
Em Em D D C C G G Em Em D D C C G G
Whatever tomorrow brings, I'll be there... I'll be there.
Em Em D D C C G G Em Em D D C C G G
So, if I decide to waiver my chance to be one of the hive
Em Em D D C C G G Em Em D D C C G G
Will I choose water over wine and hold my own and drive?

C C A7 A7 C C A7 A7
It's driven me before and it seems to be the way that everyone else gets around
C C A7 A7 C C A7 A7
But lately I'm beginning to find that when I drive myself my light is found

3rd verse:
Em Em D D C C G G Em Em D D C C G G
Whatever tomorrow brings, I'll be there with open arms and open eyes, Yeah
Em Em D D C C G G Em Em D D C C G G
Whatever tomorrow brings, I'll be there... I'll be there.

Solo: [Em Em][D D][C C][G G] x4

C C A7 A7 C C A7 A7>let ring
Will I choose water over wine, hold the wheel and drive?

4nd verse:
Em Em D D C C G G Em Em D D C C G G
Whatever tomorrow brings, I'll be there with open arms and open eyes, Yeah
Em Em D D C C G G Em Em D D C C G G
Whatever tomorrow brings, I'll be there..I'll be there.

[Em Em][D D][C C][G G] x4
Do do do do do do do do

Tabulatur von , 28 Jan 2009

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skxtchy avatar
actual chords go; Em, G, C, Am
25 Dec 2022
jerrykhodoughnutoh avatar
flag for PH(ISO2) (Angeles City)
nope, all it doesnt sound like the chords at all.
05 Sep 2020

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