I Wouldn't Mind Tabulatur von He Is We

5 Im Lied verwendete Ukulelengriffe: Am, F, C, G, Csus4

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Tablature / Chords (Ganzer Song)

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Album:  unbekannt
Key: CAkkorde
0 1 2 3 4 5
# Strum pattern is DD,DDUDDU, DD, DDUDDU for intro/verses, for chorus it's DDUUDU

Intro: Am Am, F F, C C, G G x2

Am Am F F
Merrily we fall
Out of line, out of line
Am Am F F
Id fall anywhere with you
Im by your side

Am Am F F
Swinging in the rain
Humming melodies
Am Am F F C C G G
We're not going anywhere until we freeze

Am Am, F F, C C*, G G*
# *(strum Down once on C C and G G)

# Pluck here, straight down

Am Am F F C C G G Am Am
Im not afraid, anymore
F F C C *strum G G
I'm not afraid

Csus4 Csus4 C C Am Am G G
Foooor ever is a long time
Csus4 Csus4 C C Am Am G G *strum once
But I wouldn't mind spending it by your side

Am Am, F F, C C, G G

Am Am F F C C G G
Carefully we'll place for our destiny
Am Am F F C C G G
You came and you took this heart, and set it free
Am Am F F C C G G Am Am F F C C G G
Every word you write or sing is so warm to me, so warm to me
Am Am F F C C G G Am Am F F *C C *G G
Im torn, Im torn to be right where you are

# *Strum down once on C C and G G

# Pluck here, straight down

Am Am F F C C G G Am Am
Im not afraid, anymore
F F C C *strum G G
Im not afraid

Csus4 Csus4 C C Am Am G G
Foooor ever is a long time
Csus4 Csus4 C C Am Am G G
But I wouldn't mind spending it by your side
Csus4 Csus4 C C Am Am G G
Tell me everyday I get to wake up to that smile
Csus4 Csus4 C C
I wouldn't mind it at all
Am Am G G *strum once
I wouldn't mind it at all

# Pluck straight down here:
F F Am Am C C G G
You so know me
F F Am Am C C G G
Pinch me gently
F F Am Am C C G G
I can hardly
F F Am Am C C G G*

# *Strum once

Csus4 Csus4* C C* Am Am* G G*
Fooor ever is a long, long time
Csus4 Csus4 C C Am Am G G
But I wouldn't mind spending it by your side
Csus4 Csus4 C C Am Am G G
Tell me everyday I get to wake up to that smile
Csus4 Csus4 C C
I wouldn't mind it at all
Am Am G G *strum once
I wouldn't mind it at all

Tabulatur von , 04 Jul 2013

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Tiro1999 avatar
16 Jan 2018
ukeplayer320 avatar
sounds better with capo on 1st fret
30 Dec 2017

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