Mountain Of The Sun Tabulatur von Greta Van Fleet

4 Im Lied verwendete Ukulelengriffe: F, Bb, Ab, C

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Tablature / Chords (Ganzer Song)

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Album:  unbekannt
Key: F, DmAkkorde
F F Bb Bb
The sun shines brighter from above
F F Bb Bb
And you’re the woman that I love
F F Bb Bb
Climb the mountain even higher
F F Bb Bb
To kiss the sun and fight the fire

Ab Ab Bb Bb C C
Ohhhhhh well

F F C C Bb Bb
I’ll make you mine
F F C C Bb Bb
You’re my sunshine
F F C C Bb Bb
I’ll make you mine
F F C C Bb Bb F F
You’re my sunshine

F F Bb Bb
Take me with you when you go
F F Bb Bb
To be with you is all I know
F F Bb Bb
As we ride, we light the fire
F F Bb Bb
The second sun’s our love's desire

Ab Ab Bb Bb C C
Ohhhhhh well

F F C C Bb Bb
I’ll make you mine
F F C C Bb Bb
You’re my sunshine
F F C C Bb Bb
I’ll make you mine
F F C C Bb Bb
You’re my sunshine
F F C C Bb Bb (4x)

Ab Ab Bb Bb C C
Ohhhhhh well

(muted strumming)
The sun shines brighter from above
And you’re the woman that I love
We climb the mountain even higher
Kiss the sun, fight the fire

F F C C Bb Bb
I’ll make you mine
F F C C Bb Bb
You’re my sunshine
F F C C Bb Bb
I’ll make you mine
F F C C Bb Bb
You’re my sunshine

Tabulatur von , 20 Apr 2020

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