I Know What I Like (in Your Wardrobe) Tabulatur von Genesis

15 Im Lied verwendete Ukulelengriffe: A5, A, Asus4, Asus2, A7, A7sus4, A7sus2, Gmaj7, G6, Dmaj7, Dmaj9, G, Dm6/F, A/G, A/F#

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Tablature / Chords (Ganzer Song)

Font size: A- A A+

Jahr:  1973
Key: unbekanntAkkorde
A5 A5   
(A A) (Asus4 Asus4) (A A) (Asus2 Asus2)
It's one o'clock, and time for lunch,
(A7 A7) (A7sus4 A7sus4) (A7 A7) (A7sus2 A7sus2)
(Bum, de - dum, de - dum!)
(A A) (Asus4 Asus4) (A A) (Asus2 Asus2)
When the sun beats down, and I lie on the bench,
(A7 A7) (A7sus4 A7sus4) (A7 A7) (A7sus2 A7sus2)
I can always.. hear them... talk...

A A Asus4 Asus4 A A Asus2 Asus2 A7 A7 A7sus4 A7sus4 A7 A7
There's always been Ethel, "Jacob, wake up!
A7sus2 A7sus2 A A Asus4 Asus4 A A Asus2 Asus2
You've got to tidy your room now!"

A7 A7 A7sus4 A7sus4 A7 A7 A7sus2 A7sus2
And then Mister Lewis,
A A Asus4 Asus4 A A Asus2 Asus2 A7 A7 A7sus4 A7sus4 A7 A7 A7sus2 A7sus2
"Isn't it time that he was out on his own-----------------------?"

A A A A Asus4 Asus4 A A Asus2 Asus2 A7 A7 A7sus4 A7sus4 A7 A7 A7sus2 A7sus2
^ ^ Over the garden wall, two little lovebirds, cuc - koo to you!
A A A7 A7
Keep them mowing blades sharp...

Gmaj7 Gmaj7 G6 G6 A7 A7 A7sus4 A7sus4 Dmaj7 Dmaj7 Dmaj9 Dmaj9
I know what I like, and I like what I know,
Dmaj7 Dmaj7 Gmaj7 Gmaj7 G6 G6 Dmaj7 Dmaj7 Dmaj9 Dmaj9
Getting better in your wardrobe,
Gmaj7 Gmaj7 G G A A Dm6/F Dm6/F A A Dm6/F Dm6/F A A Dm6/F Dm6/F A A Dm6/F Dm6/F A A
Stepping one be - yond your show------------------------------, your show----!

[Mute strings and scrub rhythm]
||: Nah, nah, nah, nah, nah! Nah - n'nah, nah, nah, nah, nah! :|| (Twice)

A A Asus4 Asus4 A A Asus2 Asus2
Sunday night, Mr Farmer called,
A7 A7 A7sus4 A7sus4 A7 A7 A7sus2 A7sus2
Said, "Listen, son, you're wasting time,
A A Asus4 Asus4 A A Asus2 Asus2 A7 A7 A7sus4 A7sus4 A7 A7 A7sus2 A7sus2
There's a future for you in the fire escape trade! Come up to town!"
A A Asus4 Asus4 A A Asus2 Asus2
Then I re - membered a voice from the past,
A7 A7 A7sus4 A7sus4 A7 A7 A7sus2 A7sus2
'Gambling only pays when you're winning!'
A A Asus4 Asus4 A A Asus2 Asus2 A A
Had to thank old Miss Mort for schooling a fail - ure,
^ ^
A7 A7
Keep them mowing blades sharp...

Gmaj7 Gmaj7 G6 G6 A7 A7 A7sus4 A7sus4 Dmaj7 Dmaj7 Dmaj9 Dmaj9
I know what I like, and I like what I know,
Dmaj7 Dmaj7 Gmaj7 Gmaj7 G6 G6 Dmaj7 Dmaj7 Dmaj9 Dmaj9
Getting better in your wardrobe,
Gmaj7 Gmaj7 G G A A A/G A/G A/F# A/F# A/G A/G
Stepping one be - yond your show--! Oh, oh, oh------------!

Gmaj7 Gmaj7 G6 G6 A7 A7 A7sus4 A7sus4 Dmaj7 Dmaj7 Dmaj9 Dmaj9
I know what I like, and I like what I know,
Dmaj7 Dmaj7 Gmaj7 Gmaj7 G6 G6 Dmaj7 Dmaj7 Dmaj9 Dmaj9
Getting better in your wardrobe,
Gmaj7 Gmaj7 G G A A Dm6/F Dm6/F A A Dm6/F Dm6/F A A Dm6/F Dm6/F A A Dm6/F Dm6/F A A
Stepping, now, one be - yond your show------------------------------!

A A Asus4 Asus4 A A Asus2 Asus2
When the sun beats down, and I lie on the bench,
A7 A7 A7sus4 A7sus4 A7 A7 A7sus2 A7sus2
I can always.. hear them... talk...
A A Asus4 Asus4 A A Asus2 Asus2
Me? I'm just a lawnmower!
A7 A7 A7sus4 A7sus4 A7 A7 A7sus2 A7sus2
You can tell me by the way I walk!

A A Asus4 Asus4 A A Asus2 Asus2 A7 A7 A7sus4 A7sus4 A7 A7 A7sus2 A7sus2

Tabulatur von , 02 Feb 2014

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