Still Got The Blues Tabulatur von Gary Moore

10 Im Lied verwendete Ukulelengriffe: Dm, G, C, F, E, Am, E7, Em, D7, Bm

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Tablature / Chords (Vereinfachter Song)

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Jahr:  1990
Key: AmAkkorde
Dm Dm - G G - C C - F F - Dm Dm - E E - Am Am - - -

Dm Dm G G - C C F F

1. Used to be so easy, to give my heart away,

Dm Dm E E

but I found out the hard way,

Am Am - E E Am Am

there's a pri......ce you have to pay,

Dm Dm G G - C C F F

I've found out that love is no friend of mine,

Dm Dm - E E E7 E7

I should known time after time.

Am Am Em Em Am Am D7 D7

So long, it was so long ago,

F F E E Am Am

but I've still got the blues for you. - - -

Dm Dm G G - C C F F

2. Used to be so easy, to fall in love again,

Dm Dm E E Am Am E E Am Am

but I found out the hard way it’s a road that leads to pain.

Dm Dm G G - C C F F

I've found that love was more than just a game,

Dm Dm E E E7 E7

playing to win, but you lose just the same.

Am Am Em Em Am Am D7 D7

So long, it was so long ago,

F F E E Am Am

but I've still got the blues for you.

Bm Bm E E Am Am E E Am Am

So many years since I've seen your face,

Bm Bm E E F F Em Em Dm Dm

but here in my heart there's an empty space

Am Am

where you used to be. - - -

+ Dm Dm - G G - C C - F F - Dm Dm - E E - Am Am - E E - Am Am

Dm Dm - G G - C C - F F - Dm Dm - E E - E7 E7

Am Am Em Em Am Am D7 D7

So long, it was so long ago,

F F E E Am Am - E E

but I've still got the blues for you.

Am Am Em Em

Through the days come and go,

Am Am D7 D7

there is one thing I know,

F F E E Dm Dm

I've still - got the blues - for you.

+ Dm Dm - G G - C C - F F - Dm Dm - E E - Am Am - E E - Am Am

Dm Dm - G G - C C - F F - Dm Dm - E E - Am Am

+ repeat CHORUS (3x)

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Tabulatur von , 20 Jan 2025

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