Fitzcarraldo Tabulatur von Frames

7 Im Lied verwendete Ukulelengriffe: F#m, D, Dsus2, D11, A, Bm, C#m

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Tablature / Chords (Ganzer Song)

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Jahr:  2015
Key: AAkkorde
F#m    D Dsus2 D11 D

F#m F#m D D
Here, back, down a long and straight track
F#m F#m
I have chose the long road -
That leads me to god knows
F#m F#m
So I can't stop right now

F#m F#m D D
F#m F#m D D
Even the good stars can fall from grace and falter
F#m F#m
Lose their faith and slide
But I can't get an ocean that's deep enough

A A Bm Bm
for my day
C#m C#m D D
It's the first of the ascension
A A Bm Bm C#m C#m D D
It's a sad way we've flown before the storm
A A Bm Bm C#m C#m D D
And her last words were 'I'm always thinking of you'
A A Hmi #mi D D F#m F#m
In my golden days I was a slave

F#m F#m D D
F#m F#m
Well now it's time for to sound your voice
And capture what your after
F#m F#m D D
My ship was sold right up the river

But I'm not going
A A Bm Bm
down here
C#m C#m D D
This journey isn't over
A A Bm Bm C#m C#m D D
It's a long way to the house of Fitzcarraldo
A A Bm Bm C#m C#m D D
And her last words were 'I'm always thinking of you'
A A Bm Bm C#m C#m D D F#m F#m
In my golden days I was a saint

F#m F#m D D
A A Bm Bm C#m C#m D D
Even the good stars can fall from grace and falter
Like lapdogs that stride that mystery
A A Bm Bm C#m C#m D D
And her last words were 'I'll see you down in history
A A Bm Bm C#m C#m D D F#m F#m
It's the only way that we can go

I shall eclipse you

F#m F#m D D

It's a long way to Fitzcarraldo
And I don't want to pray for you
In the name of something true

Tabulatur von , 14 Okt 2009

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