Always Tabulatur von Erasure

5 Im Lied verwendete Ukulelengriffe: Dm, F, A, C, A#

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Tablature / Chords (Vereinfachter Song)

Font size: A- A A+

Jahr:  1994
Key: DmAkkorde
Dm Dm                            F F                Dm Dm
# ........Open your xxxx, I see........
# Dm Dm
# Your eyes are xxxx
# Dm Dm F F Dm Dm
# ....... Wear no xxxxxxxx, for me.......
# F F
# Your eyes are xxxx
# Dm Dm A A
# When it's xxxx, xxxxxxx
# C C A# A#
# Am Am I xxxx in xxxx?
# F F C C
# Hold xx, to the xxxx
# Dm Dm A# A#
# There will xx no xxxxx
# F F C C
# xxxxxx, I wanna xx with you
# C C
# And make xxxxxxx with you
# A# A# C C
# And live in harmony, harmony, xxxxxx
# Enjoy guys! Hope this makes sense... this was my first tab.

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Tabulatur von , 17 Jun 2010

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blueflavour avatar
The A during the chorus should be an A sharp otherwise good effort!
28 Jun 2010

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