Magic Journeys Tabulatur von EPCOT

16 Im Lied verwendete Ukulelengriffe: Dm, Edim, Gm, C7, F, Bb, Gm7, Em7, A7, Bbmaj7, Dm9, Fmaj7, Bmaj7, D7, Dmaj7, A

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Tablature / Chords (Ganzer Song)

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Album:  unbekannt
Key: unbekanntAkkorde
Dm Dm    Edim Edim
Magic journeys

Dm Dm Edim Edim
Magic journeys

Dm Dm Gm Gm C7 C7 F F
Just an ordinary day All at once your on your way

Bb Bb Gm7 Gm7 Em7 Em7 A7 A7 Dm Dm
To a place that cannot be No one knows what turns the key

Dm Dm Gm Gm C7 C7 F F
You have found a thousand eyes Whirling images arise

Bbmaj7 Bbmaj7 Gm7 Gm7 Em7 Em7 A7 A7 Dm Dm Dm9 Dm9
For a moment they are clear In a flash they disappear In a flash they disappear

Gm7 Gm7 C7 C7 Fmaj7 Fmaj7 Bmaj7 Bmaj7 Gm7 Gm7 Em7 Em7 A7 A7 Dm Dm D7 D7
Magic journeys Mystic flights On the wings of unexpected sounds and sights

Magic Journeys
C7 C7 Fmaj7 Fmaj7
Are they real?
Bbmaj7 Bbmaj7 Gmin7 Emin7 A7 A7 Dmaj7 Dmaj7
Do they mirror what we think or sense or feel?
Dmin7 Dmaj7 Dmaj7
Neither dreaming, nor pretending
Dmin7 Dmaj7 Dmaj7
No beginning, and no ending

You are splashing in the stream
Gmin C7 C7 Fmaj7 Fmaj7
Of an un-remembered dream
Bbmaj7 Bbmaj7 Gmin7
You are searching through the eye
Emin7 A7 A7 Dmin
Of a seeker in the sky

Dmin Edim Edim
Magic Journeys
Dmin Edim Edim
Magic Journeys

You are riding on the winds
Gmin C7 C7 Fmaj7 Fmaj7
Where the universe begins
Bbmaj7 Bbmaj7 Gmin7
Through the atoms that repose
Emin7 A7 A7 Dmin
In the heartbeat of a rose

Magic Journeys
C7 C7 Fmaj7 Fmaj7
Mystic flights
Bbmaj7 Bbmaj7 Gmin7 Emin7 A7 A7 Dmin D7 D7
On the wings of unexpected sounds and sights
D7 D7 Gmin7
How we travel
C7 C7 Fmaj7 Fmaj7
Why we go
Bbmaj7 Bbmaj7 Gmin A A Dmaj7 Dmaj7
Is a secret we will never, never know
Dmaj7 Dmaj7 Dmin7 Dmaj7 Dmaj7
Neither dreaming, nor pretending
Dmin7 Dmaj7 Dmaj7
No beginning, and no ending

Dmin7 Dmaj7 Dmaj7
No beginning, and no ending........

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