An Awkward Duet Tabulatur von Doddleoddle

12 Im Lied verwendete Ukulelengriffe: F6, Dm, Dm7, Adim7, Bbadd9, C7, F7, Bb, Bbm, G7, F8, Dbm7

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Tablature / Chords (Ganzer Song)

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Album:  unbekannt
Key: unbekanntAkkorde
F6 F6  Dm Dm  Dm7 Dm7

F6 F6 Dm Dm Dm7 Dm7

Do you want to go first?

F6 F6 Dm Dm Dm7 Dm7

Cause I'm happy to wait,

Adim7 Adim7 Bbadd9 Bbadd9 C7 C7

I practiced really hard, but I'm finding it strange to start with you.

F6 F6 Dm Dm Dm7 Dm7

F6 F6 Dm Dm Dm7 Dm7

So how does it go?

F6 F6 Dm Dm Dm7 Dm7

I've forgotten the tune,

Adim7 Adim7 Bbadd9 Bbadd9

I haven't warmed up today,

C7 C7

so I might sound a bit strange...

Yes I do.

F6 F6 Dm Dm Dm7 Dm7 F6 F6 F7 F7

Bb Bb

'Cause I


Bbm Bbm



F6 F6 G7 G7

Swear it's true.

Bb Bb C7 C7

I'm just a little nervous in front of you.

F6 F6 Dm Dm Dm7 Dm7

F6 F6 Dm Dm Dm7 Dm7

So, who's on the third?

F6 F6 Dm Dm Dm7 Dm7

I think I'm better at mel-o-dy.

Adim7 Adim7 Bbadd9 Bbadd9

Oh, I'm going to get it wrong,

C7 C7

Should we try another song?

No? Okay.

F6 F6 Dm Dm Dm7 Dm7

F6 F6 Dm Dm Dm7 Dm7

Let's just go for a take.

F6 F6 Dm Dm Dm7 Dm7

And see how we sound.

Adim7 Adim7 Bbadd9 Bbadd9

My heart is beating fast,

C7 C7

Vocal chords, please last,

Here we go...

F6 F6 Dm Dm Dm7 Dm7 F6 F6 F7 F7

Bb Bb

'Cause I


Bbm Bbm



F6 F6 G7 G7

Swear it's true.

Bb Bb C7 C7

I'm just a little nervous in front of you.

F8 F8


Em Em (on fifth fret)


F8 F8


Em Em (on fifth fret)


F8 F8


Em Em (on fifth fret)


F8 F8


Em Em (on fifth fret)


F8 F8


Em Em (on fifth fret)


F8 F8

Hey, we sound good,

Em Em (on fifth fret)

Yeah, we sound good.

F8 F8

Yeah, we sound good.

Em Em (on fifth fret)

We sound so good.

F8 F8

Yeah, we sound so good.

Em Em (on fifth fret)

La-da-da-da-da, da-da-da-da..

F8 F8

Da, da, da, da, da.

Em Em (on fifth fret)

We sound so good.

(We sound so..)

F8 F8

Yeah, we sound good.

Em Em (on fifth fret)

Yeaah, oooooooooh..


F8 F8

Na, na, na, na, na, na.

Em Em (on fifth fret)


F8 F8

Da da da da da daaaaa..

Em Em (on fifth fret)

Yeah we sound good..

(Yeah. yeah, na na na na oooooh..)

F8 F8


Em Em (on fifth fret)

Yeah, we sound good..

(We sound so, sound so good..)

F8 F8


(Yeah, na na na na naa..)

F6 F6 Dm Dm Dm7 Dm7

F6 F6 Dm Dm Dm7 Dm7

I think I messed up.

F6 F6 Dm Dm Dm7 Dm7

I just wanted to improvise,

Adim7 Adim7 Bbadd9 Bbadd9

Shall we try another day?

C7 C7

(I think I sounded great, so...)

F6 F6 Dm Dm Dm7 Dm7 F6 F6 F7 F7

Bb Bb

'Cause I


Bbm Bbm



F6 F6
Swear it's true.

Bb Bb C7 C7

I'm just a little nervous in front of you.

Dbm7 Dbm7 F6 F6

Tabulatur von , 02 Jul 2017

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