Money For Nothing Tabulatur von Dire Straits

7 Im Lied verwendete Ukulelengriffe: Gm7, C, Bb, F, Eb, D, E

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Tablature / Chords (Ganzer Song)

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Jahr:  1985
Key: unbekanntAkkorde
Gm7 Gm7 / C C
Gm7 Gm7 / Bb Bb C C
Gm7 Gm7 / -
Gm7 Gm7 / F F Gm7 Gm7

Gm7 Gm7 C C
Now look at them yo-yo's that's the way you do it
Gm7 Gm7 Bb Bb C C
You play the guitar on the M.T.V.
Gm7 Gm7
That ain't workin' that's the way you do it
F F Gm7 Gm7
Money for nothin' and chicks for free
Gm7 Gm7 C C
Now that ain't workin' that's the way you do it
Gm7 Gm7 Bb Bb C C
Lemme tell ya them guys ain't dumb
Gm7 Gm7
Maybe get a blister on your little finger
F F Gm7 Gm7
Maybe get a blister on your thumb

Eb Eb Bb Bb
We gotta install microwave ovens
Eb Eb F F
Custom kitchen deliveries
Gm7 Gm7
We gotta move these refrigerators
We gotta move these colour TV's

Gm7 Gm7 C C
See the little faggot with the earring and the makeup
Gm7 Gm7 Bb Bb C C
Yeah buddy that's his own hair
Gm7 Gm7
That little faggot got his own jet airplane
F F Gm7 Gm7
That little faggot he's a millionaire

Gm7 Gm7 C C
I shouldda learned to play the guitar
Gm7 Gm7 Bb Bb C C
I shouldda learned to play them drums
Gm7 Gm7
Look at that mama, she's got it stickin' in the camera
Man we could have some fun
Gm7 Gm7 C C
And he's up there, what's that? Hawaiian noises?
Gm7 Gm7 Bb Bb C C
Bangin' on the bongoes like a chimpanzee
Gm7 Gm7
That ain't workin' that's the way you do it
F F Gm7 Gm7
Get your money for nothin' and chicks for free

Gm7 Gm7 C C
Now that ain't workin' that's the way you do it
Gm7 Gm7 Bb Bb C C
You play the guitar on the M.T.V.
Gm7 Gm7
That ain't workin' that's the way you do it
F F Gm7 Gm7
Money for nothin' and your chicks for free
Gm7 Gm7 C C Gm7 Gm7 Bb Bb C C
Money for nothin' chicks for free
Gm7 Gm7 F F Gm7 Gm7
Money for nothin' chicks for free

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Tabulatur von , 28 Dez 2009

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