9 Im Lied verwendete Ukulelengriffe: C, F7, G, F, Fm, E7, G7, A7, D7
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Ansehen dieser Akkorde für Bariton
Transpose chords:
C F7
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
F7 C
oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
Up ev-'ry eve-nin' 'bout half eight or nine I give my
com-plete at-ten-tion to a ver-y good friend of mine.
He's quad-ra-phonic; he's a, he's got more channels.
F Fm C
So hol-o-gram-ic, oh my TVC one five. I brought my ba-by
home; she, she sat a-round for-lorn. She saw my TVC one five;
-ba-by's gone, yeah. She crawled right in, oh my. She crawled
F Fm
right in my, so hol-o-gram-ic, oh my TVC one five.
E7 G7
Oh so de-mon-ic, oh my TVC one five.
Tran-si-tion. Trans-mis-sion.
Tran-si-tion. Trans-mis-sion.
C D7 C
*Oh, my TVC one five. Oh,--TVC one five.
May-be if I pray ev-ry, each night I sit there plead-in'
"Send back my dream-test ba-by. She's my main fea-ture."
My TVC one five, he, he just stares back un-blink-ing.
F Fm C
So hol-o-gramic, oh my TVC one five. One of these nights
I may just jump down that rain-bow way; be with my ba-by.
Then we'll spend some time to-geth-er. So hol-o-gram-ic,
oh my TVC one five. My ba-by's in there some-place.
Fm E7 G
Love rat-ing in the sky. So hol-o-gram-ic, oh my TVC one five.
Tran-si-tion. Trans-mis-sion.
Tran-si-tion. Trans-mis-sion.
C D7 C
*Oh, my TVC one five. Oh,--TVC one five.
*=repeat and fade
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