Stolen Tabulatur von Dashboard Confessional

5 Im Lied verwendete Ukulelengriffe: D, A, Bm, G, G#

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Tablature / Chords (Ganzer Song)

Font size: A- A A+

Jahr:  2006
Key: D, BmAkkorde
ursprüngliche Tonalität: +0.5 Halbtöne (Originalstimmung)
Tab / Akkord Fortschritt festgelegt für die Ukulele.
Chords used:
D - xx0230
A - x02230
Bm - x20230
G - 300230

Verse 1:
D D A A Bm Bm
You watch the season pull up its own stakes
and catch the last weekend of the last week
D D A A Bm Bm
Before the gold and the glamour have been replaced

Another sun soaked season fades away

D D G G Bm Bm G G
You have stolen my heart (x2)

Invitation only grant farewells
Bm Bm G G
Crush the best one of the best ones
Clear liquor and cloudy eyed
Bm Bm G G
too early to say goodnight

(Repeat chorus)

Refrain 2:
D D Bm Bm G# G#
And from the bar room floor we are a celebration

One good stretch before our hibernation
D D Bm Bm G G
Our dreams assured and we'll all, we'll sleep well

D D G G Bm Bm G G
Sleep well Sleep well (x2)

(Repeat Chorus)

Refrain 3:
D D G G Bm Bm
I watch you spin around in the highest heels
You are the best one, of the best ones
D D G G Bm Bm G G
We all look like we feel

(Repeat Chorus)

End on D D

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Tabulatur von , 06 Jun 2009

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