5 Im Lied verwendete Ukulelengriffe: D, G, Em7, Bm, A
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Transpose chords:
D G D |D Em7 D
D G D D Em7 D
If you're down and confused
D G D D Em7 D
And you don't remember who you're talking to
D G D D Em7 D
Concentration slips away
D G D D Em7 D
Because your baby is so far away
Bm A G
Well there's a rose in a fisted glove
Bm A G
And the eagle flies with the dove
Bm A G
And if you can't be with the one you love, honey
Love the one you're with
D Em7 D
You gotta love the one you're with
You gotta love the one you're with
D Em7 D
You gotta love the one you're with
Bm G Bm Bm G Bm Bm G D D
Du-du-du-du-dutu, Du-du-du-du-dutu, Du-du-du-du-dutu - DU-DU-DU!
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