5 Im Lied verwendete Ukulelengriffe: Dm/A, Bb/F, F, C11, C/G

# So i dont like the straight chord transfer used by all the
# tabs for this song, and this chord progression represents
# the way the song is played in the popular acoustic version # on youtube.
# The chords how i play them are as follows.
# -8
# -10
# -9
# -7
# -5
# -6
# -5
# -7
# -0
# -1
# -0
# -2
# C11
# -0
# -1
# -0
# -0
# -7
# -8
# -7
# -9
F, C11
Dm/A, Bb/F, F, C11 x4
Come xx To xx I'm sxxxx you xxx'x know how lxxxxxx xxx are
Bb/F, F, C11
Nobody xx xx xxx xxxx, It's xxxx a xxxxx xxx xx to part
Bb/F, F, C11, C/G
Nobody xx xx xxx xxxx, It's xxxx a xxxxx xxx xx to part
F, C11, Bb/F, F, C11
Dm/A, Bb/F, F, C11 x4
I xxx xxxx guessing xx xxxxxxx and figures, xxxxxx xxx puzzles apart
F, C11, Bb/F, F, C11, Dm/A, Bb/F, F, C11
F x2
Dm/A, Bb/F, F, C11 x2
Tab Kommentare (4)
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Gelöschtes Konto
mmm... Ive been down voted twice, then saved twice.... I take it means some people like it but ive written it out to messy and have some mistakes?
25 Jan 2011

Gelöschtes Konto
Nothing like it. Like... I don't even know where this came from.
24 Jan 2011

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Über dieses Lied: The Scientist- Acoustic
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