Commissioning A Symphony In C Tabulatur von Cake

7 Im Lied verwendete Ukulelengriffe: Dm, Am, C, G, Bb, F, A

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Tablature / Chords (Ganzer Song)

Font size: A- A A+

Jahr:  2001
Key: DmAkkorde
Intro: Dm Dm...

Dm Dm Am Am
So youll be an austrian nobleman

Dm Dm C C G G
Commissioning a symphony in c
Bb Bb F F
Which defies all earthly descriptions
Bb Bb F F
Youll be commissioning a symphony in c

With money you squeeze from the peasants
To your nephew you can give it as a present
This magnificent symphony in c
Youll be commissioning a symphony in c

F F C C Dm Dm G G C C... F F C C
G G C C...

Completely filling the palace concert hall
Its warm and golden like an oven thats wide open
It has a melody both happy and sad
Built on victorias young triads

Youve entered the room with great caution
Though no one in the hall is even watching
They are transfixed
They are forgetting just to breath
They are so taken by your symphony...
In C C

F F C C Dm Dm G G C C... F F C C
G G C C... F F C C Dm Dm G G C C...

Youre sitting there thinking your thoughts
They are not about what is but what is not
You are sitting there breathing in your breath
You are seldom breathing life but mostly death

So youll be an austrian nobleman
Commissioning a symphony in c
Which defies all earthly descriptions
Youll be commissioning...
A A symphony...
In C C

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