4 Im Lied verwendete Ukulelengriffe: F, Am, G, A
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Transpose chords:
Will myC names grown dim?
Will myF ship come
C in?
F What kind of
G rich man would be
C I?
ForF today I am
G a coward
I haveC fear for what's
F to come
I've not gotG the guts to even
C try.
Someday youC will be strong
May itF carry you
C on
F When the burdens of
G life upon you
C fall
And may yourF ship have
G ironsides
And may yourC riches
F multiply
May you have the strength ofG mind
To turn fromC greed
Hold fast to loveF
Let go of prideG
May youC ever you be
F satisfied
Let not your excessG hide from those in
C need
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