Albertine Tabulatur von Brooke Fraser

5 Im Lied verwendete Ukulelengriffe: Am, C, F, G, Dm

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Tablature / Chords (Ganzer Song)

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Jahr:  2006
Key: C, AmAkkorde
ursprüngliche Tonalität: +1.5 Halbtöne (Originalstimmung)
Tab / Akkord Fortschritt festgelegt für die Ukulele.

Cm Cm
I am sitting still
D# D#
I think of Angeline
Cm Cm
Her mother's voice over me

And the bullets and in the wall
D# D#
Where it fell silent


Cm Cm
And on a thousandth hill
D# D#
I think of Albertine

There in her eyes
Cm Cm
What I don't see
D# D#
with my eye oh


G# G# D# D#
Now that I have seen
A# A#
I am responsible
Fm Fm G# G#
Faith without deeds is dead
D# D#
Now that I have held you
A# A#
In my own arms
Fm Fm Cm Cm D# D#
I cannot let go till you are...


Cm Cm
And I am on a plane
D# D#
Across a distant sea
Cm Cm
But I carry you in me

In the dust on, the dust on, the dust on,
D# D#
In the dust on, the dust on, My feet


Pre-bridge: Cm Cm, D# D#,

Cm Cm
I will tell the world
D# D#
I will tell them where I've been
Cm Cm
I will keep my word
D# D#
I will tell them, Albertine



Cm Cm
And I am on a stage
D# D#
A A thousand eyes on me
G# G#
I will tell them, Albertine
Cm Cm
I will tell them, Albertine

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Tabulatur von , 28 Dez 2009

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