So Cold Tabulatur von Boywithuke

5 Im Lied verwendete Ukulelengriffe: Dm, Bb, F, A7, A

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Tablature / Chords (Ganzer Song)

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Jahr:  2021
Key: DmAkkorde
Dm Dm Bb Bb Dm Dm Bb Bb F F A7 A7 Dm Dm Bb Bb F F A7 A7
Woah-ah, woah-ah, woah-ah, woah-ah, woah-ah

Dm Dm
Lately my ambitions don’t
Bb Bb
Faze me, birthday wishes, oh
F F A A A7 A7
Maybe we go fishing on Sunday, some day
Dm Dm Bb Bb
Baby, you’re omnipotent, like, daily I’m always open to
Waste me, waste myself, disillusioned
A7 A7
Don’t give a fuxk 'bout health

Dm Dm
I’m by the fireworks, they set up at the pond
Bb Bb
I see your tires work, I hiccup when your gone
I get admirers, I set up with the con
A7 A7 A7 A7
I'm a retired clerk, I'm fed up with the song
Dm Dm Bb Bb F F A7 A7
I feel unhappy right now, when it’s you getting lied to
Dm Dm Bb Bb F F A7 A7
I say to you now, I get gaslighted
Dm Dm Bb Bb F F A7 A7 Dm Dm
I’m so like unhappy now, I don’t know how to count
Bb Bb F F A7 A7
All my blessings of you, babe I don’t know
Dm Dm F F
When I’m with you
Bb Bb F F A7 A7
I would rather choose a dare than a truth, that’s what I’d do
Dm Dm F F
You have no proof of what I could do
Bb Bb F F
Would you like to run a mile with my shoes?
A7 A7
Yeah, with my shoes, in my shoes

Dm Dm Bb Bb F F A A A7 A7

Dm Dm Bb Bb F F
Why do I feel cold?, why do I feel cold?
A A A7 A7 Dm Dm
When I’m underneath the sun
Bb Bb F F
Why do I feel cold?, why do I feel cold?
A A A7 A7 Dm Dm
When I’m underneath the sun
Bb Bb F F
Why do I feel cold?, why do I feel cold?
A A A7 A7 Dm Dm
When I’m underneath the sun

Tabulatur von , 26 Jan 2025

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