She's Always A Woman Tabulatur von Billy Joel

15 Im Lied verwendete Ukulelengriffe: A7, D, G, Bm, F#, E7, A, F#m, Em, Dm, G7, C, Am, Bb, E

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Tablature / Chords (Ganzer Song)

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Jahr:  1977
Key: unbekanntAkkorde
A7 A7          D D              A7 A7             D D
1) She can kill with a smile, she can wound with her eyes.
G G Bm Bm G G
She can ruin your faith with her casual lies.
A7 A7 D D A7 A7 F# F#
And she only reveals what she wants you to see.
Bm Bm G G A7 A7 D D
She hides like a child, but she's always a woman to me.

Bm Bm E7 E7 A A F#m F#m
CHORUS : Ohhh... she takes care of herself.
D D G G Em Em A7 A7 D D
She can wait if she wants, she's ahead of her time.
Dm Dm G7 G7 C C Am Am
Ohhh... and she never gives out,
Bb Bb E E E7 E7 A A
and she never gives in, she just changes her mind.

2) She can lead you to love, she can take you or leave you.
She can ask for the truth, but she'll never believe.
And she'll take what you give her as long it's free.
She steals like a thief, but she's always a woman to me.


3) And she'll promise you more than the garden of Eden.
Then she'll carelessly cut you and laugh while you're bleeding.
But she brings out the best and the worst you can be.
Blame it all on yourself 'cause she's always a women to me.


4) She's frequently kind and she's suddenly cruel.
She can do as she pleases, she's nobody's fool.
But she can't be convicted, she's earned her degree.
And the most she will do is throw shadows at you,
but she's always a woman to me.


Tabulatur von , 07 Jan 2015

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