Be Prepared Tabulatur von Benjy Gaither

10 Im Lied verwendete Ukulelengriffe: Ab, Db, F, Bb, Eb, Fm, C#, G#, D#, A#

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Tablature / Chords (Ganzer Song)

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Album:  unbekannt
Key: unbekanntAkkorde und Tabulaturen
From "Hoodwinked!"

Ab Ab Db Db Ab Ab
37 years ago a witch done put a spell on me

Ab Ab F F Bb Bb Eb Eb
A A spell where when I'm talkin' I'm singin' it with glee.

Db Db Ab Ab Db Db Ab Ab Fm Fm
When you're always singin' you got to live alone

Db Db Ab Ab Eb Eb
That's why I made this mountain shack my home.

Db Db Ab Ab Db Db Ab Ab Fm Fm
When you're on the mountain, there's lots to be a'feared

Db Db Ab Ab Eb Eb
That's why this here old mountain goat's prepared!

C# C# G# G# D# D# Fm Fm

C# C# G# G# D# D#

C# C# G# G# D# D# Fm Fm

C# C# G# G# D# D#

G# G#
I got horns that open bottles,
C# C# G# G#
And I got horns that hold my keys,
G# G# F F A# A# D# D#
I got horns that when you turn 'em right, they help me watch TV.
C# C# G# G#
I got horns that open pickle jars,
C# C# G# G# Fm Fm
And horns that come with hair,
C# C# G# G#
I got horns that hang my other horns -
D# D# C# C# G# G#
I always come prepared.


C# C# G# G#
Be prepared, be prepared,

D# D# G# G#
This lesson must be shared,

C# C# G# G#
This lesson must be shared,

D# D#
Be prepared!

C# C# G# G#
Be prepared, be prepared,

C# C# G# G# Fm Fm
And unless you got a spare

C# C# G# G# D# D#
You got one life, so handle it with care!

C# C# G# G# D# D# Fm Fm

C# C# G# G# D# D#

C# C# G# G# D# D# Fm Fm

C# C# G# G# D# D#

C# C# G# G# D# D#
Ya ringadinglanga dingalingidangapipaaaa

G# G# C# C# G# G#
Ooooooh, an avalanche is comin' and I do not feel prepared,

G# G# F F A# A# D# D#
It's rumblin' like a mountain lion - I must say that I'm scared,

C# C# G# G# C# C# G# G# Fm Fm
And if not for the witch's spell you'd hear just how I scream,

C# C# G# G# D# D# C# C# G# G#
But since I'm only singin', I'll just yodel 'til we're creamed!

[goat yodelling...]

C# C# G# G# D# D# C# C# G# G#
D# D# C# C# G# G#

Tabulatur von , 05 Aug 2013

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