The Moon Song Tabulatur von Beabadoobee

5 Im Lied verwendete Ukulelengriffe: Dm, G, C, F, Am

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Tablature / Chords (Ganzer Song)

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Album:  unbekannt
Key: C, AmAkkorde

Dm Dm G G C C

Dm Dm G G C C
I'm lying on the moon

Dm Dm G G C C
My dear, I'll be there soon

Dm Dm G G C C
It's a quiet starry place

Dm Dm G G
Time's we're swallowed up

In space, we're here a million miles away

Dm Dm G G C C
There's things I wish I knew

Dm Dm G G C C
There's no thing I'd keep from you

Dm Dm G G C C
It's a dark and shiny place

Dm Dm G G
But with you my dear

F F Dm Dm C C
I'm safe and we're a million miles away

Dm Dm G G Am Am C C
We're lying on the moon

Dm Dm G G C C
It's a perfect afternoon

Dm Dm G G C C
Your sha...dow follows me all day

Dm Dm G G C C
Making sure that I'm o...kay and

Dm Dm G G C C (strum all chords once)
We're a million miles away

Tab Kommentare (2)

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zoboukulele avatar
what’s the strumming pattern?
11 Nov 2021
gcobb avatar
i recommend to do i C, Cmaj7, C when you get to the C chord, i think it just sounds better :))
03 Dec 2020

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