In The Black. Tabulatur von August Greenwood

6 Im Lied verwendete Ukulelengriffe: F, C, Cmaj7, Fm, C7, D

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Tablature / Chords (Ganzer Song)

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Album:  unbekannt
Key: unbekanntAkkorde

F F                                

All of my friends with their

      C C     Cmaj7 Cmaj7

lives slowly falling to pieces

   F F                                       

So I bite my tongue and I realize

        C C       Cmaj7 Cmaj7

I don't know what peace is

        F F                                   

And the birds on the garden gate

  C C        Cmaj7 Cmaj7

are singing but I cannot hear them

       F F                                       

And I stay within bedroom walls

  C C        Cmaj7 Cmaj7

patiently waiting to be near them


F F                     C C

Oh, I've fallen down a well

       Cmaj7 Cmaj7          F F

With a ladder made of vines

                        C C

And I can't move either leg

           Cmaj7 Cmaj7                 F F

But all my friends can climb out fine

                   Fm Fm

So I'll watch them climb


F F                                        

Picking apart every word

  C C        Cmaj7 Cmaj7

that you say so I get it (I get it)

F F                                        

Trying to bargain with demons that

  C C        Cmaj7 Cmaj7

I know I'll regrеt it (regret it)

   F F                                            
My blood splatterеd on the trees, from

  C C        Cmaj7 Cmaj7

miles away I can feel you

   F F                                       

It took all my energy to finally

  C C        Cmaj7 Cmaj7

discover the real you


        F F                       C C

Oh, I'm tired of falling down a well

       Cmaj7 Cmaj7          F F

With a ladder made of vines

                        C C

And I can't move either leg

           Cmaj7 Cmaj7                 F F

But all my friends can climb out fine

                   Fm Fm

So I'll watch them climb


      F F              Fm Fm            

And I notice you so desperately

C C                     C7 C7

waiting for me to come back

       F F                   Fm Fm           

In the darkest parts of my memories,

C C                     C7 C7

I'm there with you in the black

F F                 Fm Fm

When did I get so old?

C C                          C7 C7

When did my hands start to crack from the pressure

F F              Fm Fm

To make myself palatable?

         C C                   D D

I'm just getting by with the hope

          F F

That I'll escape from the well

                        Fm Fm

Taking my time from the center of hell
                               C C                                         D D

I'll watch myself climb and as I see

the light of a fire that stands all alone

     F F                      Fm Fm                   
I'll see the world has been


waiting for me to come home

C C Cmaj7 Cmaj7


F F                                             

Scrubbing the skin where you

   C C        Cmaj7 Cmaj7

touched me until I'm exhausted

  F F                                            

I still feel the weight of your

     C C      Cmaj7 Cmaj7

words in the air like I'm haunted

  F F                                         
I stare out at the trees and

     C C      Cmaj7 Cmaj7

wonder where I'd be if I gave in

F F                                          

Would I ever leave or would

   C C    Cmaj7 Cmaj7

I still be in your haven



Tabulatur von , 02 Jan 2023

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