Barbie Girl Tabulatur von Aqua

4 Im Lied verwendete Ukulelengriffe: C#m, A, B, E

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Tablature / Chords (Ganzer Song)

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Jahr:  2009
Key: E, C#mAkkorde
C#m C#m            A A     B B            E E     C#m C#m        A A      B B      E E
I'm a barbie girl, in the barbie world, Life in plastic, it's fantastic!
C#m C#m A A B B E E
you can brush my hair, undress me everywhere
C#m C#m A A B B E E C#m C#m
Imagination, life is your creation, Come on Barbie, let's go party!

(I'm a barbie girl, in the barbie world, Life in plastic, it's fantastic!
you can brush my hair, undress me everywhere, Imagination, life is your creation)

C#m C#m A A B B E E C#m C#m A A B B E E
I'm a blond bimbo girl, in the fantasy world, Dress me up, make it tight,
C#m C#m A A
I'm your dolly

C#m C#m A A B B E E C#m C#m A A B B E E C#m C#m
You're my doll, rock'n'roll, feel the glamour in pink, kiss me here, touch
me there, hanky panky...

Tabulatur von , 16 Feb 2009

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