Me And My Tabulatur von Alexia

4 Im Lied verwendete Ukulelengriffe: Am, Fm, D, Em

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Tablature / Chords (Ganzer Song)

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Album:  unbekannt
Key: G, EmAkkorde und Tabulaturen

[Verse 1]
Am Am
Woke up
Fm Fm
With a pain in my head
Am Am
Got up
Fm Fm
To make myself a tea
Am Am
Fm Fm
The bus- always driving too much
Am Am
Fm Fm
at the same time and place everyday

D D Am Am
But alone when I close the door behind me
Fm Fm Em Em
Is when I finally feel relived.
D D Am Am
Sitting on the floor and grab my uke immediately
Fm Fm Am Am
from the wooden chair next to me.

Me and my
Am Am
Always asking why
Fm Fm
Me and my
Em Em
Looking for the lie
D D Am Am
Me and my x2
Fm Fm
Thoughts are never calm
Em Em D D
So I sing them out loud

[Verse 2]
Am Am Fm Fm
But when I close my eyes
I see the world as it should be
But then  I realise
That I'm just alone
On this cold bathroom floor
Singing bout the mess that has been made


What should I do?
Am Am
People swimming in honey and I think that it's funny
What am I supposed to do?
Am Am
Cause they all feel the same, so don't be ashamed to
Em Em
Your life cause


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