Here I Am Tabulatur von Air Supply

8 Im Lied verwendete Ukulelengriffe: C, Em, Am, A7, Dm, G, F, E

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Tablature / Chords (Ganzer Song)

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Jahr:  2003
Key: C, AmAkkorde
C C     Em Em
Here I am playing with those
Am Am Em Em
Memories again
A7 A7
And just when I thought time has
Dm Dm
Set me free
Those thoughts of you keep taunting me
C C Em Em Am Am Em Em
Holding you, a feeling I never outgrew
A7 A7 Dm Dm
Though each and every part of me has tried
Only you can fill that space inside
Dm Dm G G
So there's no sense pretending
Dm Dm G G
My heart it's not mending

Reff :

C C Em Em F F G G
Just when I though I was over you
C C Am Am F F
Just when I though I could stand
On my own
C C Em Em
Oh baby those memories come
Crashing through
E E Am Am Dm Dm Em Em F F C C G G Dm Dm Em Em Em Em F F
And I just can't goon without you

G G Em Em Am Am Em Em
On my own I've tried to make the best of it alone
A7 A7
I've done everything I can to ease
Dm Dm
The Pain
But only you can stop the rain
Dm Dm G G
I just can't live without you
Dm Dm G G
I miss everything about you

Back to : Reff

Dm Dm Em Em F F
Go on without
Dm Dm Em Em F F C C Em Em F F
It's just no good without you
G G C C Am Am F F G G C C Em EmF F G G C C Am Am F F G G
Without you, without you, without you

C C Em Em
Oh baby those memories come
Crashing through
E E Am Am Dm Dm Em Em F F C C
And I just can't go on without you

Tabulatur von , 01 Mai 2012

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