Chasing Pavements Tabulatur von Adele

8 Im Lied verwendete Ukulelengriffe: Cm, Gm, G#, A#, D#, Fm, C#, A#m

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Tablature / Chords (Ganzer Song)

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Jahr:  2008
Key: D#, G#, Cm, FmAkkorde
Cm Cm
I've made up my mind,
Gm Gm
Don't need to think it over,
G# G#
If i'm wrong i am right,
Gm Gm
Don't need to look no further,
G# G#
This ain't lust,
A# A#D# D#Cm CmGm Gm
I know this is love but,
D# D#
If i tell the world,
Gm Gm
I'll never say enough,
Cm Cm
Cause it was not said to you,
Gm Gm
And that's exactly what i need to do,
G# G#A# A#
If i'm in love with you,

G# G#D# D#
Should I give up,
Fm FmC# C#A#m A#m
Or should I just keep chasing pavements?
A#m A#mC# C#D# D#
Even if it leads nowhere,
G# G#D# D#
Or would it be a waste?
Fm FmC# C#
Even If I knew my place,
A#m A#mD# D#
should I leave it there ?
G# G#D# D#
Should I give up,
Fm FmC# C#A#m A#m
Or should I just keep chasing pavements?
C# C#A#m A#mD# D#G# G#
Even if it leads nowheeeeeeee--ere

Cm Cm
I'd build myself up,
Gm Gm
And fly around in circles,
Cm Cm
Wait then as my heart drops,
Gm Gm
And my back begins to tingle
G# G#A# A#
Finally could this be it

G# G#D# D#
Should I give up,
Fm FmC# C#A#m A#m
Or should I just keep chasing pavements?
A#m A#mC# C#D# D#
Even if it leads nowhere,
G# G#D# D#
Or would it be a waste?
Fm FmC# C#
Even If I knew my place,
A#m A#mD# D#
should I leave it there ?
G# G#D# D#
Should I give up,
Fm FmC# C#A#m A#m
Or should I just keep chasing pavements?
C# C#A#m A#mD# D#G# G#
Even if it leads nowheeeeeeee--ere

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Tabulatur von , 23 Jun 2010

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Henrytheuker avatar
flag for GB(ISO2) (London)
not fantastic, a little shaky but fine.
24 Jun 2010

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