Ukulele Coverversion Bad guy (Billie Eilish)

Bad guy, Billie Eilish (Uke-Cover von AkaMooks)


A cover of bad guy, originally by Billy Eilish, covered by AkaMooks!

Uke-Cover von , 07 Mai 2019

Cover Kommentare (2)

FireWolff avatar
This music is cool!
Add a voice like yours and your ukulele accompaniment and you have the perfect music. I've been playing ukulele for about 4 months and it's very motivating to see what you can achieve with hard work and talent...
You are very talented, I listen to the music over and over and I think you could become a professional artist and write your own songs.
04 Jul 2022
alexander_salamander avatar
Omg this is so good, I think this is awesome! It's different and interesting!
08 Apr 2020

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