Lion's Mouth Uke乐谱通过 Young Rebel Set

3 在歌曲中使用的和弦: Am, C, F




Tablature / Chords (整首歌)

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年:  2012
Key: C, F, Dm, Am和弦
Am Am                               C C 
They saddled me with bullets and they handed me a gun
F F Am Am
and they said my boy you're going off to war.
Am Am C C
I said goodbye to my lover as I walked out the door
F F Am Am
she said I'm too afraid I won't see you no more.
Am Am C C
I reassured her with a kiss, and like my aim I did not miss
F F Am Am
and I hold that memory with me to this day.
Am Am C C
I said I'm going across the sea to fight another one of me
F F Am Am
and I know not of the reason or or what for.

# Chorus
F F Am Am
So I jumped into the lion's mouth,
F F Am Am
just to see what life was really all about.
And if I'm returned to the flames and whatever still remains
F F Am Am
oh yeah you will see what I was all about.

Am Am C C
For years went on by without a bullet in my side
F F Am Am
and I thanked the Lord that I had survived.
Am Am C C
When I walked through that door I caught you naked on the floor
F F Am Am
and a part of me that survived well it just died.

# Chorus
F F Am Am
So I put you in the lion's mouth,
F F Am Am
so you could see what life was all about
and now you're returned to the flames and whatever ever still remains
F F Am Am
oh yeah now you'll see what I was all about.

Am Am C C
So I climbed up on the stairs above her body where she lay
F F Am Am
and I tied that noose around my own neck.
Am Am C C
And I thank God for all my days and to forgive my wicked ways
F F Am Am
and let him without sin cast the first stone.
# Break
Am Am C C
And with that said I jumped into my souls eternal bed
F F Am Am
and I let my legs swing beneath my head.
Am Am C C
So if you should ever question the reason or what for
F F Am Am
oh then clearly boy you've never been to war.

# 2xChorus
F F Am Am
So I jumped into the Lion's Mouth.

Uke乐谱通过 , 10 Mar 2014

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