When Christmas Comes To Town (The Polar Express) Uke乐谱通过 Themes

20 在歌曲中使用的和弦: Eb, Bb, Fm, Bb/D, Eb/G, Ab, Ebsus4, Fm/Eb, Fm/Bb, Cb, Db/Cb, Bbm, Ebm, B5, F#m, B, Bbsus4, G/B, Cm, F




Tablature / Chords (整首歌)

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专辑:  不知道
Key: 不知道和弦
Eb Eb      Bb Bb   Eb Eb       Eb Eb     Bb Bb   Eb Eb
I'm wishing on a star and trying to believe
Eb Eb Bb Bb Eb Eb Eb Eb Bb Bb Eb Eb
That even though it's far, he'll find me Christmas Eve
Fm Fm Bb/D Bb/D Eb Eb Eb/G Eb/G Ab Ab Eb/G Eb/G
I guess that Santa's busy, 'cause he never comes around
Fm Fm Bb Bb Eb Eb Ebsus Ebsus Eb Eb
I think of him when Christmas comes to town.

Eb Eb Bb Bb Eb Eb Eb Eb Bb Bb Eb Eb
The best time of the year, when everyone comes home;
Eb Eb Bb Bb Eb Eb Eb Eb Bb Bb Eb Eb
With all this Christmas cheer it's hard to be alone
Fm Fm Fm/Eb Fm/Eb Bb/D Bb/D Eb Eb Eb/G Eb/G Ab Ab Eb/G Eb/G
Putting up the Christmas tree with friends who come around,
Fm Fm Fm/Bb Fm/Bb Ebsus Ebsus Eb Eb
It's so much fun when Christmas comes to town

Cb Cb Db/Cb Db/Cb Bbm Bbm Ebm Ebm
Presents for the children wrapped in red and green;
Cb Cb Db/Cb Db/Cb Bbm Bbm Ebm Ebm
All the things I've heard about but never really seen.
Fm Fm(B5 B5) Fm Fm(b5)/Eb Bb/D Bb/D Ebm Ebm Ebm/D Ebm/D Gb/Db Gb/Db
No one will be sleeping on the night of Christmas Eve,
F#m F#m B B Fm Fm Bbsus Bbsus Bb Bb
Hoping Santa's on his way.

Eb Eb Bb Bb Eb Eb Eb Eb Bb Bb Eb Eb
When Santa's sleigh bells ring, I listen all around
Eb Eb Bb Bb Eb Eb Eb Eb Bb Bb Eb Eb
The herald angels sing; I never hear a sound
Fm Fm Fm/Eb Fm/Eb Bb/D Bb/D Bb Bb Eb Eb Eb/G Eb/G Ab Ab Eb/G Eb/G
And all the dreams of children, once lost, will all be found.

Fm Fm Fm/Bb Fm/Bb G/B G/B Cm Cm F F
That's all I want when Christmas comes to town
Fm Fm Fm/Bb Fm/Bb Eb Eb Ebsus Ebsus Eb Eb
That's all I want when Christmas comes to town

Uke乐谱通过 , 24 Nov 2017

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