Rock N Roll Queen Uke乐谱通过 The Subways

3 在歌曲中使用的和弦: Bb, Eb, C#




Tablature / Chords (整首歌)

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专辑:  不知道
Key: 不知道和弦
Bb Bb palm muted the whole way through the verse
Bb Bb
You are the sun
You are the only one
The heart is blue
My heart is blue for you

Eb Eb C# C# Bb Bb
Be my, be my, be my little rock and roll queen
Eb Eb C# C# Bb Bb
Be my, be my, be my little rock and roll queen

Bb Bb
You are the sun
You are the only one
You are so cool
You are so rock and roll

Eb Eb C# C# Bb Bb
Be my, be my, be my little rock and roll queen
Eb Eb C# C# Bb Bb
Be my, be my, be my little rock and roll queen
Eb Eb C# C# Bb Bb
Be my, be my, be my little rock and roll queen
Eb Eb C# C# Bb Bb
Be my, be my, be my little rock and roll queen

A# A# palm muted
You are the sun
You are the only one
You are so cool
It's all so rock and roll
Bb Bb

Eb Eb C# C# Bb Bb
Be my, be my, be my little rock and roll queen
Eb Eb C# C# Bb Bb
Be my, be my, be my little rock and roll queen
Eb Eb C# C# Bb Bb
Be my, be my, be my little rock and roll queen
Eb Eb C# C# Bb Bb
Be my, be my, be my little rock and roll queen

robert loustau pete doherty is innocent

Uke乐谱通过 , 27 Jul 2012

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