What A Day For A Daydream Uke乐谱通过 The Lovin Spoonful

7 在歌曲中使用的和弦: C, A7, Dm7, G7, F, Dm, G




Tablature / Chords (整首歌)

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Key: C, Am和弦

C C A7 A7 Dm7 Dm7 G7 G7 (x2)


C C A7 A7
What x xxx xxx a xxxxxxxx
F F Dm Dm G7 G7
What x xxx xxx a xxxxxxxxxxx xxx
C C A7 A7
And xxx xxxx xx a xxxxxxxx
F F Dm Dm G7 G7
Dreamin' xxxxx my xxxxxx xx xxx


F F Dm Dm C C A7 A7
And xxxx if xxxx xxxxx xxxxxx on xx side
F F Dm Dm C C A7 A7
It's xxx of xxxxx xxxx xxx taking x walk xxxxxxx
F F Dm Dm C C A7 A7
I'm xxxxxxx the day xx xxxx x walk xx the xxx
G G G7 G7
And xxxx xx xx xxxx xx xxxxxxxxxx new xxxx xxxx


C C A7 A7
I've been havin' a sweet dream,
F F Dm Dm G7 G7
I've been dreamin' since I woke up today,
C C A7 A7
It's starring me in my sweet dream,
F F Dm Dm G7 G7
'Cause she's the one that makes me feel this way,


F F Dm Dm C C A7 A7
And even if time is passin' me by a lot,
F F Dm Dm C C A7 A7
I couldn't care less about the dues you say I got.
F F Dm Dm C C A7 A7
Tomorrow I'll pay the dues for dropping my load.
G G G7 G7
A A pie in the face for being a sleepy bull toad.
F F Dm Dm C C A7 A7
And you can be sure that if you're feelin right
F F Dm Dm C C A7 A7
A A day dream will last a long time into the night.
F F Dm Dm C C A7 A7
Tomorrow at breakfast you may prick up your ears,
G G G7 G7
Or you may be dreamin' for a thousand years.

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Uke乐谱通过 , 20 Jul 2013

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Spyder avatar
Alright, I figured out how to edit my submission. Sorry about that. First tab I've submitted.
20 Jul 2013
Spyder avatar
Whoops, it's supposed to be Gm and then G7. Mistake on my part. Can I edit this or anything or will I have to redo it?
20 Jul 2013

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