Through The Valley Uke乐谱通过 Shawn James

3 在歌曲中使用的和弦: Em, Am, B7




Tablature / Chords (整首歌)

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专辑:  不知道
Key: Em和弦
Em Em Am Am
Em Em B7 B7
Em Em Am Am
Em Em Am Am B7 B7

Em Em Am Am
I walk through the valley of the shadow of death.
Em Em B7 B7
I fear no evil because I'm blind to it all.
Em Em Am Am
My mind and my gun they comfort me,
Em Em B7 B7
because I know I'll kill my enemies
Em Em
when they come.

continue pattern

Surely goodness and mercy will follow me all the days of my life,
and I will dwell on this earth forevermore.
I walk beside the still waters and they restore my soul,
but I can't walk on the path of the right because I'm wrong.
Well I came upon a man at the top of a hill,
call himself the savior of the human race.
Said he come to save the world from destruction and pain,
but I said how can you save the world from itself.

Em Em Am Am
Em Em B7 B7
Em Em Am Am
Em Em Am Am B7 B7

I walk through the valley of the shadow of death.
I fear no evil because I'm blind.
I walk beside the still waters and they restore my soul,
but I know when I die my soul is damned.

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Uke乐谱通过 , 06 Sep 2017

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