Nobody's Business Ft. Chris Brown Uke乐谱通过 Rihanna

4 在歌曲中使用的和弦: C#, A, B, C


Tablature / Chords (简化歌曲)

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专辑:  不知道
Key: 不知道和弦和乐谱
C C#dom7sus4

C#maj C#maj

You'll always be mine
Bmaj Bmaj C C#dom7sus4
Sing it to the world
C#maj C#maj
Always be my boy

I'll always be your girl

#Repeat and Repeat those 4 chords throughout all of the song... enjoy :)

Ain't nobody's business
Ain't nobody's business
Ain't nobody's business
But mine and my baby
Mine and my baby
But mine and my baby
But mine and my baby, oh

{Chris Brown}
I love to love to love you baby
I love to love to love you baby
Me and you, get it?
Ain't nobody's business
Said it, ain't nobody's business

Your love is perfection
Please point me in the right direction
I'ma give you all my affection
Every touch becomes infectious
Let's make out in this Lexus
There's no other love just like this
A A life with you I want
Then can we become love's persona

You'll always be the one that I wanna come home to
Boy let me love you and show you how special you are
I wanna be your baby, you'll always be my baby
Tell me what you want now

Let's sing it to the world
Baby give me time, I'ma be your girl
I wanna make you mine
And it ain't nobody's business
It ain't nobody's business
It ain't nobody's business
It ain't nobody's business
Just mine and my baby

{Chris Brown}
Your love is perfection
Please point me in the right direction
I'ma give you all my affection
Every touch becomes infectious
Let's make out in this Lexus
There's no other love just like this
A A life with you I want
Then can we become love's persona

You'll always be the one that I wanna come home to
Girl let me love you and show you how special you are
I wanna be your baby, you'll always be my baby
Tell me what you want

Sing it to the world
Baby give me some (give me time)
You gon be my girl
I wanna make you mine
And it ain't nobody's business
It ain't nobody's business
It ain't nobody's business
It ain't nobody's business
Just mine and my baby

Ain't nobody's business
Said it, ain't nobody's business
Ain't nobody's business
Ain't nobody's business

{Rihanna + Chris Brown}
You'll always be mine (mine)
Sing it to the world (world)
Always be my boy
You'll always be my girl
Nobody's business (nobody's business)
Ain't nobody's business
Ain't nobody's business
Ain't nobody's business (nobody)
But mine and my baby

Uke乐谱通过 , 21 Dec 2012

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