Stronger Than You (steven Universe) Uke乐谱通过 Rebecca Sugar

8 在歌曲中使用的和弦: Ab, G, Cm, Eb, Bb, Fm, C#, Gm




Tablature / Chords (整首歌)

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专辑:  不知道
Key: Eb, Cm和弦
# For a simpler chorus (the "I am made of love" section), you can just play Ab Ab Bb Bb Cm Cm Eb Eb

Ab Ab G G Cm Cm Eb Eb Bb Bb
Ab Ab G G Cm Cm

Ab Ab
This is Garnet.
Back together.
Cm Cm Eb Eb Bb Bb Ab Ab G G
And I'm never goin' down at the hands of the likes of you, because I'm so much better.
Cm Cm
And every part of me is saying, "Go get her."
Ab Ab G G
The two of us ain't gonna follow your rules.
Cm Cm Eb Eb Bb Bb Ab Ab
Come at me without any of your fancy tools.
Let's go just me and you.
Cm Cm
Let's go just one on two.
Fm Fm Cm Cm
Go ahead and try to hit me if you're able.
Fm Fm Cm Cm
Can't you see that my relationship is stable?
Fm Fm Cm Cm
I can see you hate the way we intermingle.
C# C# Cm Cm
But I think you're just mad cause you're single.
Ab Ab Eb Eb
And you're not gonna stop what we made together.
Ab Ab Eb Eb
We're gonna stay like this forever.
Ab Ab Eb Eb
If you break us apart, we'll just come back newer.
Gm Gm
And we'll always be twice the gem that you are.
Ab Ab
I am made
Gm Gm Bb Bb Cm Cm
O-o-o- o- of
Eb Eb Ab Ab
Gm Gm Bb Bb Cm Cm Ab Ab
Lo-o-o- o- ove.
Gm Gm Bb Bb Cm Cm
Lo-o-o- o- ove.
Eb Eb Ab Ab
Gm Gm Bb Bb Cm Cm
Lo-o-o- o- ove.

# Repeat chorus chords throughout dialogue

Ab Ab
This is who we are.
Bb Bb
This is who I am.
Eb Eb Cm Cm
And if you think you can stop me, then you need to think again.
Ab Ab Bb Bb
Cause I am a feeling, and I will never end.
Eb Eb
And I won't let you hurt my planet.
Cm Cm
And I won't let you hurt my friends.
Fm Fm Cm Cm
Go ahead and try to hit me if you're able.
Fm Fm Cm Cm
Can't you see that my relationship is stable?
Fm Fm Cm Cm
I know you think that I'm not something you're afraid of.
C# C# Cm Cm
Cause you think that you've seen what I'm made of.
Ab Ab Eb Eb
But I am even more then the two of them.
Gm Gm Cm Cm
Everything they care about is what I am.
Ab Ab Eb Eb Gm Gm
I am their fury, I am their patience, I am their conversation.
Ab Ab
I am made
Gm Gm Bb Bb Cm Cm
O-o-o- o- of
Eb Eb Ab Ab
Gm Gm Bb Bb Cm Cm
Lo-o-o- o- ove.
Ab Ab
And it's stronger than you.
Gm Gm Bb Bb Cm Cm
Lo-o-o- o- ove.
Eb Eb Ab Ab
Gm Gm Bb Bb Cm Cm
Lo-o-o- o- ove.

Uke乐谱通过 , 13 Mar 2015

乐谱评价 (3)

Share your strumming patterns, chords or tips to play this tab!
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alice2002 avatar
flag for IN(ISO2) (Bengaluru)
-1 transpose sounds better
05 Sep 2019
Gracelandia avatar
mobile flag for US(ISO2) (Washington Terrace)
idk if this effects everyone's thing, or just mine. What would happen if I changed the lyrics to a parody of this song, and just made it look better?
01 Dec 2017
KalaKiwi avatar
flag for PH(ISO2) (Pasig City)
I've seen another tab of the same song and both of your chords and arrangement of lyrics are identical?
27 May 2017

Top Tabs and Chords by Rebecca Sugar, 不要错过这些歌曲!

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