A Dance Around The Memory Tree Uke乐谱通过 Oren Lavie

12 在歌曲中使用的和弦: Em, G#, Cm7, Am9, Cm7/E, D6, D, Cm, G, Em9, G6, C




Tablature / Chords (整首歌)

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专辑:  不知道
Key: 不知道和弦

Em Em G# G# Cm7 Cm7 Am9 Am9
Em Em Cm7/E Cm7/E D6 D6
Cm7 Cm7 D D Cm Cm

Em Em G G G# G#

Words we had said

Am9 Am9 Em9 Em9
Grew in my head

Cm Cm G G
Colored I thought

Am9 Am9 Em Em
Send me to bed

Em Em G G G# G#
Lost memories

Am9 Am9 Em9 Em9

Grew into trees

Cm Cm G6 G6
Cover the doors

Am9 Am9 Em Em
Swallow the cure

C C Cm Cm G G Em Em
Winters have come and gone you know

C C Cm Cm G G Em Em
Winters have come and gone you know

Em Em G G G# G#
But I’ll miss you young and free

G# G# Cm Cm Em Em
For a dance round the memory tree

Em Em G G G# G#
Said I forgot

Am9 Am9 Em9 Em9
But I did not

Cm Cm G G
Dreams we have had

Am9 Am9 Em Em
Play in my head

Em Em G G G# G#
Did we believe,

Am9 Am9 Em9 Em9
The cry of the wind?

Cm Cm G6 G6
Did we regret?

Am9 Am9 Em Em
Would we forget?

C C Cm Cm G G Em Em
Winters have come and gone you know

C C Cm Cm G G Em Em
Winters have come and gone you know

Em Em G G G# G#
But I’ll miss you young and sweet

G# G# Cm Cm Em Em
For a dance round the memory tree

Uke乐谱通过 , 18 Feb 2017

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