Bless His Ever Loving Heart Uke乐谱通过 Nick Cave And The Bad Seeds

7 在歌曲中使用的和弦: F, Dm, C, Am, G, Gm, Bb




Tablature / Chords (整首歌)

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专辑:  不知道
Key: F, Dm和弦
(F F)Bless his ever (Dm Dm)loving (C C)heart (Am Am)
(Dm Dm)Only he knows (G G)who you (C C)are
(F F)He may seem so (Dm Dm)very (C C)far (Am Am)
(Dm Dm)Bless his (G G)ever loving (C C)heart

And when your (F F)feeling (Dm Dm)sad
And (Gm Gm)everywhere you (Bb Bb)look you can't (F F)believe the things you (C C)see
When it (F F)all comes down so (Dm Dm)bad
And (Gm Gm)beauty lies (Bb Bb)exhausted in the (F F)stre(C C)ets

(F F)Hold his ever (Dm Dm)loving (C C)hand (Am Am)
(Dm Dm)Even when you do not (G G)under(C C)stand
(F F)Sorrow has it's (Dm Dm)natural (C C)end (Am Am)
(Dm Dm)Hold his (G G)ever loving (C C)hand

And when your (F F)feeling (Dm Dm)lone
And (Gm Gm)everyone you (Bb Bb)meet you can't (F F)believe the things they (C C)say
(F F)When there's no place left to (Dm Dm)go
Where (Gm Gm)someone isn't (Bb Bb)moving you a little (F F)further down the (C C)way

(F F)Bless his ever (Dm Dm)loving (C C)heart (Am Am)
(Dm Dm)What you do is (G G)what you (C C)are
(F F)When it all comes (Dm Dm)down so (C C)hard (Am Am)
(Dm Dm)Bless his (G G)ever loving (C C)heart
Hold his ever loving hand
When it seems you ain't got a friend

Only he know who you are and what you are
Bless his ever loving heart
Bless his ever loving heart

Uke乐谱通过 , 09 Feb 2010

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