Sunshine, Lollipops And Rainbows Uke乐谱通过 Lenka

7 在歌曲中使用的和弦: C, Am, Dm, G7, Em, F, Fmaj7




Tablature / Chords (整首歌)

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Key: C, Am和弦
C C               Am Am                 C C
Sunshine, lollipops and rainbows
Am Am C C Am Am Dm Dm G7 G7
Everything that's wonderful is what I feel when we're together
C C Am Am C C
Brighter than a lucky penny
Am Am C C Am Am
When you're near the rain goes, disappears, dear
Dm Dm Em Em
And I feel so fine
F F G7 G7 C C
Just to know that you are mine
F F Dm Dm Fmaj7 Fmaj7
My life is sunshine, lollipops and rainbows
Dm Dm F F
That's how this refrain goes
Dm Dm G7 G7
So come on, join in, everybody
C C Am Am C C
Sunshine, lollipops and rainbows
Am Am C C Am Am Em Em
Everything that's wonderful is sure to come your way
F F G7 G7 C C
When you're in love to stay
C C Am Am C C
Sunshine, lollipops and rainbows
Am Am C C Am Am Dm Dm G7 G7
Everything that's wonderful is what I feel when we're together
C C Am Am C C
Brighter than a lucky penny
Am Am C C Am Am
When you're near the rain goes, disappears, dear
Dm Dm Em Em
And I feel so fine
F F G7 G7 C C
Just to know that you are mine
F F Dm Dm Fmaj7 Fmaj7
My life is sunshine, lollipops and rainbows
Dm Dm F F
That's how this refrain goes
Dm Dm G7 G7
So come on, join in, everybody
C C Am Am C C
Sunshine, lollipops and rainbows
Am Am C C Am Am Em Em
Everything that's wonderful is sure to come your way
‘Cause you're in love
You’re in love
F F G7 G7 C C F FG7 G7C C
And love is here to stay ...

Uke乐谱通过 , 26 Dec 2021

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